Saturday, March 7, 2009


so many ideas and choices.
my original plan was to just hit 4 year christian college after i graduate. But what college. Colorado christian university, azusa. york. hope. so many colleges.
then a new idea came last night on my break from college for missions trip. missions trips have been on my mind so much lately. I want to serve so badly. Im growing up.
Thats weird.
Im growing up and I might be going away. All i can think of is missing the jelsos! and Zack! and young life!
its so weird!
I want to get back in the place i was at when i did work crew. that feeling of yes i am struggling but my god is great. I desire to get back to that.
I wanna serve christ no matter how much i am struggling in life

1 comment:

Hamon family said...

the great thing about Christian colleges they all have missions progrrams! I went every spring break to a childrens home in Idaho and I got to spend 2 months in Krgystan. Sooo you can do both! you should look in to ywam (youth with a mission) if you want to do something this summer or next.